Contact information
Registered Office
Budapest, Hungary
H-1134 Budapest, Váci út 49, 6th floor.
Manufacturers shall ensure that their products meet the essential safety requirements. The Notified Body (EU) and UK Approved Body (UK) must be involved in the conformity assessment procedures. To meet the requirements of the Directive or the UK Regulation. CerTrust Ltd. has world-class expertise in testing and certification services on the field of pyrotechnics.
We are both a Notified Body in the European Union and a UK Approved Body in UK in the conformity assessment procedures for pyrotechnic articles and we are actively involved in the regular meetings of the Notified Bodies, the standardisation committees, so we are up to date on the latest developments in the area and regulations. Our experts are internationally recognised, not to mention that we are in daily contact with manufacturers, distributors and importers. Our pyrotechnic certificates cover all categories of the directive.
The purpose of the type examination is to assess whether the product meets the essential safety requirements (ESR) of the Directive or UK Regulation. This assessment must be carried out by a Notified Body (EU) or UK Approved Body (UK). For this reason, the relevant harmonised standards are used for conformity assessment procedures. According to the Directive and UK Regulation, products with similar characteristics are grouped into product families based on their appearance, parameters and function.
Once the type-examination has proven that the product type complies with the ESR, it must be verified that the manufactured articles conform to the type certification before being placed on the EU or UK market.
Experts with more than a decade of experience in internationally recognised manufacturing and conformity assessment.
A wide range of relationships with experts, consulting companies, authorities, manufacturers, importers, trading companies.
Wide range of experience with the conformity assessment requirements of pyrotechnic articles in all categories of the Directive and UK Regulation.
Fast response, smooth communication, work out the details of the test before the actual test phase
High level competence of our Hungarian and Chinese offices and laboratories
20-25 business days lead time (EU Type examination)
Cultural habits and traditions vary greatly from one Member State to another. For this reason, Member States may take national measures to prohibit or restrict the purchase of certain categories of fireworks to consumers based on of public policy, security or environmental protection.
From 4 July 2017, all pyrotechnic article covered by Directive 2013/29/EU must comply with the ESR before being placed on the EU market.
From 1st January 2023, all pyrotechnic article covered by the Pyrotechnic articles safety regulation (2015) must comply with the ESR before being placed on the UK market.
Registered Office
Budapest, Hungary
H-1134 Budapest, Váci út 49, 6th floor.