CMC10 WEBINAR - 1st of July 2024


The main objective of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMCD) 2014/30/EU is to ensure that electronic equipment has an adequate electromagnetic environment, operates satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment, and does not cause any unacceptable electromagnetic interference to other equipment in the environment.

Other objectives of the EMCD include limiting electromagnetic emissions measured during the intended operation of an electronic equipment (apparatus or fixed installations) and ensuring that the equipment does not interfere with radio waves and telecommunications or other equipment, including television sets, radios, electrical devices.

The EMC standards regulate the frequency range and limit of unnecessary radiation to prevent telecommunication and broadcasting devices (e.g.. an assigned frequency range for radio communication), electrical/electronic devices from being interrupted, causing interference, or other similar problems. EMCD also intent that all fixed installations must be characterized with the application of good engineering practice. These essential requirements do not specify in details the technical specifications but define the results that need to be achieved.

Article 3 (2) of Chapter 1 of the Directive defines apparatus, according to which “apparatus”, is any finished appliance or combination of finished appliances, thereof placed on the EU market as a single functional unit, intended for the end-user, and liable to generate a specific level of electromagnetic disturbance or the performance of which is liable to be affected by such a disturbance.

Apparatus can be:

  • Computer disk drives;
  • Electric motors;
  • Electronic temperature controls;
  • Mobile installations; etc..

“Fixed installations” refers to a particular combination of several types of apparatus and, where applicable, other devices, which are assembled, installed, and intended to be used permanently at a predefined location according to EMCD Article 2 (3) of chapter 1.

Fixed apparatus can be:

  • Industrial and power plants
  • National electrical and telephone networks;
  • Railway infrastructures;
  • Residential electrical installation;:
  • Telecommunication, cable TV and computer networks;
  • Wind turbine stations;
  • Water pumping stations; etc..

To make sure that economic operators can demonstrate, and the competent authorities can check that the apparatus put on the market conform to the essential requirements, it is necessary to involve the product in conformity assessment procedures.

The EMCD sets out the following conformity assessment procedures for apparatus and fixed installations:

Module A – Internal production control:

Assessment of the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment where the manufacturer ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the equipment in question satisfies the requirements of this Directive along with its essential requirements.

Preparation of a technical file that shall contain the applicable requirements and include all information relevant for the assessment, the design, manufacture, and operation of the apparatus.

The manufacturing of the product shall be in accordance with the product’s technical documentation and the essential requirements of the Directive.

Every individual product that complies with the EMC’s requirements must have affixed the CE mark on it.

Issue of Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to demonstrate the CE compliance of the equipment.

Module B – EU-type examination that is followed by Conformity to type based on internal production control:

EU-type examination refers to the design phase of the product when a notified body needs to examine the technical design of equipment and verify and prove that it meets the essential requirements of the EMC Directive.

The notified body shall issue an EU-type examination certificate to the manufacturer based on positive test and assessment reports. A copy of the certificate, along with annexes of the product’s technical documentation shall be at the disposal of the correspondent national authorities for ten years after the product’s introduction to the market.

Module C – Conformity to type based on internal production control:

Compliance to type based on internal production control refers to the production phase where the manufacturer fulfils the following obligations:

Manufacturing of the product according to the essential requirements of EMCD and the product’s technical documentation

Affixing the CE mark on every individual product that complies with the EMC’s essential requirements.

Issue of Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to demonstrate the CE compliance of the equipment.

The two above procedures are not mandatory in cases when the apparatus is intended for integration into a particular fixed installation and is otherwise not made available on the market.

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