CMC10 WEBINAR - 1st of July 2024

The Role of Animal Parts in Fertilizer and Compost

fertilizer and compost

From traditional farming methods to modern composting techniques, animal-derived materials play a crucial role in enriching soil health and promoting sustainable agriculture. Manure has long been utilized in agricultural practices, contributing to the fertility of soils and the growth of crops. But how are other animal byproduct derivates used in EU fertilizers, especially in compost? In this article, the […]



With the entry into force of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) for imported goods, the stakeholders will have to face a whole new set of tasks and obligations. To comply with the Regulation, after the transitional period (from 1 January 2026), CBAM obligated parties (importers and indirect customs representatives) will have to ensure that […]


Széndioxid kibocsátás okozói egy ábrán

Facilities involved in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) must have their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reports verified. This report needs to be verified annually by an accredited organization for this activity before it is submitted to the designated authority (NKEA) by the operator.



The scope of these products is defined in Regulation 374/2012. (XII. 18.) Government Decree (hereinafter: RoHS Decree). The RoHS Regulation transposes Directive 2011/65/EC into Hungarian law. The RoHS Regulation includes the electrical and electronic equipment product groups: Household appliances Small household appliances Information technology and telecommunications equipment Consumer electronics Luminaires Power and electronic tools Games, […]



Testing and approval According to Regulation (EC) 2003/2003, ammonium nitrate based fertilizers traded in Europe must comply with the safety requirements accepted by EU member states. One aspect of these requirements is verifying its resistance to detonation. This fertilizer is a basic ingredient of ANFO type explosives. Therefore, it is essential to verify the detonation […]



According to Regulation (EU) 2019/1009, EU fertilizing products must comply with the requirements of the Regulation before being placed on the EU market. Manufacturers shall ensure that their products meet the safety requirements. A Notified Body must be involved in the conformity assessment procedures in case of certain EU fertilizing products. Our testing and certification […]
