The main differences between the two regulations are:
1. Scope: The scope of the new regulation is broader than the old one.
The new regulation covers a wider range of fertilizing products, including organic and waste-based fertilizers, while the old regulation only covered mineral fertilizers.
2. Requirements: The new regulation introduces new requirements for the quality and safety of fertilizing products, including limits on the presence of contaminants, such as cadmium and lead. The old regulation did not have such requirements.
3. Use of recycled materials: The new regulation encourages the use of recycled materials in fertilizing products, as long as they meet certain quality and safety standards.
The old regulation did not specifically address the use of recycled materials.
4. Labeling: The new regulation requires clear and accurate labeling of fertilizing products, including information on their nutrient content and potential environmental impact.
The old regulation had less detailed labeling requirements.
Overall, the new regulation represents a significant update and modernization of the rules governing the marketing and use of fertilizing products within the EU. The new regulation aims to promote the use of more sustainable fertilizers, reduce the environmental impact of fertilizing products, and improve the functioning of the internal market for fertilizers.