Contact information
Registered Office
Budapest, Hungary
H-1134 Budapest, Váci út 49, 6th floor.
The scope of these products is defined in Regulation 374/2012. (XII. 18.) Government Decree (hereinafter: RoHS Decree). The RoHS Regulation transposes Directive 2011/65/EC into Hungarian law. The RoHS Regulation includes the electrical and electronic equipment product groups:
A Hungarian Standard has also been prepared for the treatment of products after they have become waste: MSZ EN 50625-1: 2014 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) collection, logistics and treatment requirements.
It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to comply with the limit values for hazardous substances and the manufacture must declare this to the market.
Registered Office
Budapest, Hungary
H-1134 Budapest, Váci út 49, 6th floor.